A Scottish couple, Mr. & Mrs. John Rae immigrated to Canada in 1885 for the purpose of preaching the gospel. They settled in High Bluff, MB where Mr. Rae travelled from house to house with a horse and buggy, spreading the story of Jesus and His love for sinners. Some received the message and were baptized in the Assiniboine River. On August 21, 1904, a small group began to meet as an assembly of believers in nearby Portage la Prairie.
They first met in the home of Mrs. Crake on 5th Street NW. The church moved into a rented room on Saskatchewan Avenue in 1906. After using several other rented buildings, the congregation built one of its own at the corner of First Street NW and Lorne Avenue in 1937. It served as a home for the church until 2016. The church now meets at 350 River Road.
Special programs for the community have routinely been arranged for children and adults alike. Over the years, thousands of people have heard the gospel message using these means. Outgrowth resulted in the formation of the church now meeting at Fifth Avenue Gospel Hall. The church also has developed a strong ongoing interest in world missions.
The literature ministries of Seed Sowers, Via Magazine and Postal Bible Studies are supported.